

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The 航空学院​, located in the Davis College of Business & 技术, has been educating and training future professional pilots and aviation executives for over 41 years.


My name is Owen Nicely. I am an 航空管理 major, and I am a senior currently.

So, we’re giving them [the younger students] a first-hand experience of the drone industry and how to operate them so, in the future, they can pursue drone careers.

I just love being in Florida. Actually, my hometown is Fort Myers, Florida, so I just love the atmosphere and the weather. It’s usually always pretty good.

We have a different types of drones. We have a few quadcopters and also a few fixed 翼无人机. Mainly, they’re used for mapping large areas.

The 航空 program, being able to meet a whole bunch of new people, is really why 我喜欢在里面. Getting to teach them all the stuff I’ve learned while I was here and to show them all the cool drones and the stuff that you can do with that.

Our Av​​​​​iation 管理 and 航空管理 & Flight Operations degree programs are accredited by the 航空 Accreditation Board 国际 (AABI).

  • Delta Propel Partner University
  • JetBlue Gateway Partner University
  • Winner of the 2011 Air Race Classic, the national all-women transcontinental air race--Collegiate 部门
  • Our students also benefit from a one-of-a-kind partnership with L3 Harris Airline Academy, offering airline-oriented flight training and a direct career path to the 航空公司.
  • Jacksonville University graduates can qualify for a Restricted-Airline Transport Pilot (R-ATP) certificate with 1,000 flight hours.
  • JU is one of 31 universities in the nation selected by the Federal 航空 Administration to educate future air traffice controllers under the Collegiate Training Initiative (CTI). 
  • In 2008, JU won the 2008 Loening Trophy, awarded annually at the National NIFA SAFECON to the best all-around collegiate aviation program in the nation.
  • Winner of the 2011 Air Race Classic, the national all-women transcontinental air race.
  • Top 10 winner of the 2019 Air Race Classic (5th overall and 2nd collegiate team)
  • Students are able to benefit from all of the opportunities while obtaining transferable business skills; a powerful credential that will help you succeed in your career of 航空选择.

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航空学院 FAQs


We are eager to send you more information regarding our 航空 program and the specific aviation track that interests you. If you would like such information or have any questions pertaining to the program, please feel free to contact us by phone or email
The 航空学院:
Nikki Bobbin 904-256-7895 • nbobbin@softlawinternationale.net
Office of 招生: 904-256-7000 • admiss@softlawinternationale.net


Fall 2024 Incoming Student Information 
